Radical Remission
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Radical Remission?

Radical Remission is the term used by Dr. Kelly Turner to describe any cancer remission that is statistically unexpected.  Radical Remission occurs whenever:

  • Someone’s cancer goes away without using any conventional medicine.  
  • A cancer patient uses conventional medicine but the cancer does not go into remission, so  he or she switches to alternative ways of healing which do lead to remission.
  • A cancer patient uses both conventional medicine and alternative methods of healing at the same  time to outlive a statistically dire prognosis. 

Dr. Turner began to research Radical Remission as part of her Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley and noticed that two groups of people were typically missing from the more than 1,000 cases of Radical Remission already published in medical journals: the survivors themselves and alternative healers.  Dr. Turner traveled to ten different countries, interviewed 20 Radical Remission survivors and 50 alternative healers, and analyzed more than 1,500 cases of Radical Remission.  The findings of her research are summarized in the book Radical Remission, a New York Times Bestseller now translated into more than 20 languages.  You can read about her ongoing research, including the tenth healing factor and new survivor stories, in Radical Hope, which was released in 2020.

What are the 10 Healing Factors of Radical Remission?

They are the behavioral and lifestyle changes and actions that all radical remission survivors used.   They are: Exercise, Spiritual Connection, Empowering Yourself, Increasing Positive Emotions; Following Your Intuition, Releasing Suppressed Emotions, Changing Your Diet, Herbs and Supplements, Having Strong Reasons for Living, Increasing Social Support.

Do these Factors conflict with conventional cancer treatment?

No.  All ten Factors can be used safely with any treatment.  Neither Dr. Turner nor the Radical Remission Project oppose conventional treatment. If you are undergoing conventional cancer treatment, using the 10 Healing Factors will strengthen your immune system and help you to reduce stress and anxiety.  Anyone can use these simple strategies and changes to foster healing and prevent disease.  You do not need a cancer diagnosis to use these factors and benefit from them. It is recommended that you consult with a naturopath, clinical herbalist or other certified practitioner before adding herbs or supplements to your current treatment protocol.

How will using the 10 Healing Factors help me?

Using the 10 Healing Factors of Radical Remission will help you to:

  • Safely increase daily exercise and movement
  • Develop a daily spiritual practice
  • Take charge of your healing
  • Increase positive emotions in your day to day life
  • Access and strengthen your intuition
  • Release suppressed emotions you are holding in your body
  • Strengthen your immune system by changing your diet
  • Choose supplements that are right for you
  • Identify your strongest reasons for living
  • Accept love and support from others

Do the 10 Healing Factors replace cancer treatment or other disease treatment?

No. Based on Dr. Turner’s research, they are the most common hypotheses for why Radical Remissions happen.  The Factors are proven in separate studies to boost immunity, which is especially important when you are trying to heal from cancer or any other disease.   They also support emotional, mental and spiritual healing.  They are not a quick fix or a promise to cure cancer.  Please continue to see licensed medical practitioners.

Where can I learn about Radical Remission survivors?

The Radical Remission Project maintains a comprehensive online data base of all Radical Remission cases.  Please go to www.radicalremission.com and click on Find Stories.  You can also read my survivor profile there.

What happens in Radical Remission Coaching sessions?

 I am certified by Dr. Turner to share the 10 Healing Factors in personalized one-on-one coaching sessions and guide you through your healing journey in a positive and effective way.  As your coach, I will be your thinking partner to uncover the actions, strategies, resources and information you need to successfully use the Healing Factors in your day-to-day life.  I will respect and support you as you build a Radical Remission lifestyle that helps you achieve personally relevant results and enhance your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

What happens at a Radical Remission Workshop?

At a Radical Remission Workshop, you will learn about and apply the 10 Healing Factors that Dr. Turner found common among the thousands of cases she has studied.  You will learn how your lifestyle choices can significantly improve your immune system and you will discover what is possible for lasting healing.  A Radical Remission Workshop is inclusive, interactive and experiential.   It is a non-judgmental place to share ideas and build community.